Everyday I Love You Less and Less
Guitar Pro Tab | v5.00
| Posted on April 16, 2010, 9:24 p.m.
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Guitar Pro Tab Summary
Song Author
Nicholas Hodgson, Richard Wilson, Andrew White, James Rix & Nicholas Baines
File Size
73 KB
Ev-ery day I love you less and less.
It's clear to see that you've be-come ob-sessed.
I've got to get this mes-sage to the press,
that ev-ery day I love you less and less.
And ev-ery day I love you less and less.
I've got to get this feel-ing off my chest.
The doc-tor says all I needs pills and rest,
since ev-ery day I love you less and less.
Un-less, un-less, I know I feel it in my bones.
I'm sick, I'm tired of stay-ing in con-trol oh yes.
I feel a rat up-on a wheel,
I've got to know what's not and what is real.
Oh yes, I'm stressed, I'm sor-ry I dig-ressed.
Im-pressed you're dressed to
S.-O.-S. oh
Oh oh, and my par-ents love me.
Oh, oh. Oh and my girl-friend loves me, oh.
Ev-ery day I love you less and less.
I can't be-lieve once you and me did sex.
Since ev-ery day I love you less and less,
it makes me sick to think of you un-dressed.
Since ev-ery day I love you less and less,
you're turn-ing in-to some-thing I de-test.
And ev-ery-bo-dy says you look a mess,
since ev-ery day I love you less and less and less.
Oh, oh they keep pho-tos of me,
Oh oh, oh that's e-nough love for me, oh.
Oh oh oh oh
Oh, oh and my par-ents love me.
Oh, oh oh and my girl-friend loves me, oh.
Oh, oh they keep pho-tos of me, oh oh,
oh that's e-nough love for me oh.